MR.WATT GoggleLamp

à partir de 82,09 € Sans publicité
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À 59 85,82 € *
À partir de 60 85,07 € *
À partir de 120 84,33 € *
À partir de 300 83,58 € *
À partir de 600 82,84 € *
À partir de 1200 82,09 € *
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* Tous les prix s’entendent hors TVA, frais d’expédition et éventuels frais de livraison sur place, sauf indication contraire
  • A565-DH-0184GYMRWATT-GY
Mr. Watt is the perfect gift for all age groups. Child-friendly, easy to use, safe and
Mr. Watt is the perfect gift for all age groups. Child-friendly, easy to use, safe and durable. It is designed for any setting. So you can put it in the office or in your bedroom, but certainly in the living room as well. Mr. Watt brightens up your surroundings or helps you see better while reading, working or relaxing. Dim the light by putting your hand on his head. Mr. Watt also has a very good memory. When you turn it off and on again, it remembers the previous light setting. You can rotate the head of the lamp in the position you want. Mr. Watt can rotate its head 360 degrees horizontally and 60 degrees vertically. With the powerful 2200mAh lithium battery, you can enjoy Mr. Watt for a long time!


Numéro de tarif douanier: 9405200090104
Poids: 1200 g
Matériel: Wood
Color: Grey, Red, White
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