Squeaky duck nurse, multicoloured, one size

à partir de 3,07 € Sans publicité
Couleur Sélectionner multicoloured
Taille Sélectionner One Size
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À 99 3,80 € *
À partir de 100 3,58 € *
À partir de 250 3,46 € *
À partir de 500 3,28 € *
À partir de 1000 3,17 € *
À partir de 2500 3,07 € *
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* Tous les prix s’entendent hors TVA, frais d’expédition et éventuels frais de livraison sur place, sauf indication contraire
  • A603-M131181_31181
You're not feeling well? This duck takes care of your well-being - and what better way to help...plus
You're not feeling well? This duck takes care of your well-being - and what better way to help than a really nice, relaxed bath? And if that's not enough, she definitely knows a few remedies that will get you back on your feet quickly - and don't worry, the syringe that she has with her doesn't even hurt a tiny bit! The white nurse's clothes with the big red cross is also part of it.


Marque: Schnabels®
Longueur: 85 mm
Largeur: 65 mm
La taille: 85 mm
Numéro de tarif douanier: 95030049900
Pays d'origine: CN
Poids: 47 g
Matériel: PVC
Color: MultiColor
Size: One Size
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