Smart Set

à partir de 50,90 € Sans publicité
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À partir de 100 62,82 € *
À partir de 200 61,81 € *
À partir de 300 61,23 € *
À partir de 500 56,28 € *
À partir de 1000 52,63 € *
À partir de 2000 52,01 € *
À partir de 3000 50,90 € *
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* Tous les prix s’entendent hors TVA, frais d’expédition et éventuels frais de livraison sur place, sauf indication contraire
  • A576-KT007capacity_free_white
Smart Set is the mix of products that combines wireless and Bluetooth technology for a
Smart Set is the mix of products that combines wireless and Bluetooth technology for a cable-free desk. Whether it's the office workstation or the desk at home from which you work remotely, these accessories are designed to quickly set up a workstation free from cables that often make it uncluttered. Here is what it includes: Gemini Bluetooth earphones, to make hands-free and cordless calls to be connected to smartphones or laptops, ideal for those who take advantage of calls to get up and walk around a bit; Pad, the mouse pad with a leatherette surface that also works as a 5W wireless charger for smartphones, ensuring continuous charging of the phone without the need to connect it to the PC or to the wall outlet; and finally Click, the Bluetooth mouse for which no cables are needed and which makes the workstation tidy also thanks to its essential and linear design. All products have very large customisation spaces, on which to print even complex and full-field graphics. Here is how to customise them in detail: Gemini Bluetooth earphones - customisable by screen printing Mouse Pad Mat - full colour and embossed customisation Mouse Click - customisation with screen printing and four-color process.


Marque: Maikii
Matériel: Plastic
Color: White
Size: -
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