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  • A565-CM5312-SL
There are wireless keyboards and this wireless keyboard! The Keyfold is one of the top
There are wireless keyboards and this wireless keyboard! The Keyfold is one of the top wireless keyboards you can get. Besides the normal keyboard this version also have a keypad which is rather convenient when you are behind your tablet of smart phone to scroll over the web or reading an e-mail which is close to the length of a letter. Available for iOS and Android, working distance upto10M, ultra slim so easy to carry along, including a smart phone holder. Standby time 30 days, charging time 2 hours and working time up to 100 hours. Next to these technical details you can have your company logo or slogan printed at the in –or outside –or both of course in 1 or more colors.


Marque: Beta
Numéro de tarif douanier: 84716099
Poids: 240 g
Matériel: Abs plastic, Metal, Aluminum
Informations sur la taille du produit: 14.8 x 8.5 x 1.5 cm / 29.5 x 8.5 x 0.8 cm
Color: Grey
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